Indoor Dog Park - PRIVATE RENTAL


Stay warm and dry this winter! You and your dog can run off their weekend energy in our cozy climate-controlled facility.

Our facility will be open during the winter months for a few hours on select weekends for your dog’s enjoyment!  Come join us in our cozy climate-controlled space so your dog can run off some energy and you can both stay warm and dry!

This is a Private Rental use - it is not open to the public nor a drop-in style dog park.

We have a large outdoor fenced (potty) area you can utilize as well, however YOU must clean up after your dog(s).

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Dog Park Rental

Up to 8 dogs (add $5 / per each additional dog)


How to book your session:

You must have a client profile in order to book your session.
One dog owner will make the reservation and add the number of dogs attending (up to 7 additional dogs).

Only one booking is needed for multiple dogs, however, ALL clients MUST be registered in our customer portal with uploaded vaccinations prior to attending.

Facility Rules & Guidelines:
In order to ensure everyone’s safety you must read, agree to and adhere to our policies & guidelines.

Our Facility Safety Policies & Guidelines

Upcoming Dog Park Days:


  • Jan 4th - 11am - 4pm

  • Jan 11th - 11am - 4pm

  • Jan 18th - 11am - 4pm

  • Jan 25th - 11am - 4pm

  • Feb 5th - 11am - 4pm

Taking your dog to the dog park is like playing Russian roulette!

Rent our space and invite your friends and family members dogs, that you personally know are healthy, disease / bug free and dog friendly!

Are your wondering why you should pay when you can go to the dog park for free?

The concept of dog parks is wonderful! Unfortunately taking your dog to the dog park is like playing Russian roulette! You don’t know if the other dogs at the park are friendly, healthy, or that they aren’t exposing your dog to fleas, ticks, lice, or an illness like canine cough (kennel cough), until it’s too late!

Good meaning people may bring their dog to socialize not knowing their dog has fear or aggressive behaviour issues and your dog could get injured as a result. Germs can fester in puddles of water while waiting for your dog to take a drink! Hello Giardia! YUCK! Not to mention the dog poop irresponsible dog owners leave for the magical poop fairy to pick up, or the garbage and cigarette butts your dog could consume while you are too far away to stop them from ingesting them. Fights happen between humans all the time and dogs are killed at dog parks more than anyone likes to admit! Why? There is no one monitoring the dog park to ensure these things don’t happen!

So, how do you exercise and socialize your dog in a safe, warm, clean, way? Once you create your client profile in our system, you can privately rent our indoor space for only $30 and add up to seven other dogs at an additional $5/dog.. These must be dogs that you personally know, and know are healthy and friendly, ensuring your dog has a fun and safe time while playing in their own private indoor dog park.

You can have up to seven additional dogs (8 in total). For larger groups, please contact the facility so we can approve it. Our goal is to create a safe magical place for your dogs to play, so we take extra precautions - especially with large groups.

If you split the cost between friends, your dog can have an amazing time, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money or brave the elements!

Our staff will make sure each group has fresh clean water, and spot check between groups, but as a responsible dog owner, you are required to clean up all dog poop in our yard and all indoor potty accidents! Cleaning supplies will be provided.

Please review our Dog Park Rules as well as our Facility Safety Policies & Guidelines before you book.